The 8th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS) conference was held in Berkeley, during January 9-11 2017, and was sponsored by the Simons Institute. Submissions were hosted by EasyChair .
For more detailed submission instructions and additional information, see the call for papers.
Submission deadline:
Notification to authors:
Conference dates:
Thu September 15, 2016 p>
Mon Oct 31, 2016
Mon-Wed Jan 9-11, 2017
Papers have now completed the review process! Accepted papers can be found here.
Camera Ready
The deadline for submitting the camera-ready version of the papers is January 2nd.
Detailed instructions are available here.
Standard registration is 300usd before January 1st, and 350usd afterwards.
Student registration is 150usd before January 1st, and 175usd afterwards.
If paying for the registration fee presents any difficulties, please get in touch with us.
We suggest that you stay at the Durant Hotel, a 5-minute walk from the Simons Institute.
A list of alternative nearby hotels is available here.
There are various events in San Francisco at the same time as ITCS, and thus we suggest that you book early!
Graduating Bits
There will be an event dedicated to participants within a couple of years (either way) of PhD graduation,
giving them a chance to present their results, research, plans, personality, and so on.
If you are interested, please send an email to Christos Papadimitriou with the subject "ITCS 2017 Graduating Bits" the following information:
Name, Affiliation, status (student/postdoc)
A short paragraph (3-4 sentences) about yourself and your research.
Homepage URL
We will try to accommodate everyone (but cannot promise).
The event will consist of a 5-minute presentation; in addition, participants will be able to
participate in the conference's poster session.